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Product Data Management

Sitation's rich selection of product data management capabilities are used by online sellers of all sizes to create and sustain competitive advantage

E-Commerce Site Search

PIM and site search go hand in hand, as great search requires great product data to do its best work. Modern search systems like Solr, Coveo, and ElasticSearch are incredibly powerful, but in order to use its most useful features, it must be fed good information.

A great search experience is especially important because customers who use search convert at a higher rate of those that do not. In other words, searches lead to sales. The better you can do at connecting your visitors to the categories, products, and information they’re looking for, the more likely you are to get the sale.

Site Search Tuning

Site search tuning involves manipulating the site search engine to provide better, more natural, and or higher converting results. There are many tools at our disposal to do this, including the scoring algorithm, the thesaurus, phrasing, data typing, and more. Each search engine offers different methods of managing the search index, but there are many best practices that apply to all of them. 

Null Search Review

A null search occurs when a website visitor completes a search but gets no results. It may be because that visitor has asked for something you don’t have. Or it may be a typo or other mistake. But in all cases, null searches provide interesting insights into what your customers expect you to have, and what they want. Therefore, analyzing and acting on them is critical in crafting an outstanding search experience.

Search Log Analysis

Sitation has a unique process of analyzing site search logs, and helps large e-commerce merchants to mine search data for useful insights on customer behavior.

Ready to discuss Sitation's product data management offering?